
Cauliflower Mash

I love replacing potato mash with cauliflower mash. Cauliflower mash is not as starchy as potato mash and lower in carbohydrates, perfect for an evening meal when you don’t want a massive serve of carbs before bed! It takes about the same amount of time to make this mash compared to potato mash and trust me you will find this so much tastier.

Happy sprouting, baking and cooking!

x Danielle

Cauliflower Mash


1/2 head of cauliflower (chopped into small pieces)
2 white onions (finely diced)
1 clove of garlic (crushed)
splash of olive oil
a good knob of butter
a pinch of salt and pepper
1 teaspoon of fresh thyme (chopped)
1/2 cup of water
1/2 cup of finely grated parmesan cheese


Melt the butter and olive oil in a large saucepan over a medium heat.

Add the finely diced onions, crushed garlic, salt, pepper and chopped fresh thyme.

Cook this for about 5 minutes or until the onions have begun to soften and caramelise.

Now add the chopped cauliflower and water to the saucepan and mix until combined.

Turn the heat down low, pop the lid on the saucepan and leave to cook for 10-15 minutes, giving it a stir every now and then.

After 10-15 minutes the cauliflower will have softened, remove it from the heat.

With a blend stick blender, blend the cauliflower until it is smooth and creamy.

Lastly mix through the grated parmesan and have a taste to check your seasoning is alright.

Sometimes I will add another pinch of salt or a bit more thyme.

Your cauliflower mash is now ready to serve!

In the above picture I’ve served it with my smokey beef balls and some fresh rocket. This is also beautiful with some grilled chicken or fish and some steamed greens.

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This is such a versatile dish that is quick and easy to make. You can serve the chicken sliced on top of a large green